Keep your customer support efficient with zero clutter or chaos

The fastest way to build meaningful customer relationships
Respond to queries 3x faster, and save 4 hours daily
No Credit Card Required — Free Plan Available

AI & thoughtful design boosts your productivity

AI creates your todo list

Say goodbye to sorting through ticket to find what requires action. Userscom identifies the important tasks and turns them into to-dos. This is a productivity booster.

Built-in 'Follow Up' workflow

Never let any important ticket slip through the cracks. With Userscom’s ‘Add to follow’ feature, it creates a pile at the side of the screen so you don’t lose or forget it.

Tickets organized into tabs

Fed up with ticket chaos? Our AI sorts tickets into tabs, like ‘Refunds’. You can even customize your tabs for better organization. This helps you keep the focus.

Let AI write replies

Save time on writing prompts. Use prompts like ‘Apologize & Ask for Details’, let AI compose a reply while understanding the context of the conversation.

Customer insights at a glance

Get clarity while responding. See customer plan, email, and custom attributes on the right side of the ticket for more personalized interactions

customer tickets into kanban

Keep Track with Kanban Boards

Easily manage your support tickets with Userscom’s new Kanban boards. Sort tickets into columns, track progress, and focus on key tasks like partnership leads. Keep everything organized and your team on track with this simple, visual tool.

Userscom integrates with your
website in multiple ways

Contact Form

Embed our contact form on your website & reply to the queries from our intuitive dashboard.

Popup Widget

Install our popup chat for visitors to reach you from anywhere; all interactions land in your dashboard.


Easily send responses to your Userscom dashboard by using our API into your existing forms.

Ready to save time on your customer support?